Monday, June 18, 2012

Former Metro Workers Sentenced in Fare Theft

You know those coins and cash you put in the farecard machines? Guess what happened to it?--

Former Metro Workers Sentenced in Fare Theft Case | NBC4 Washington: "Two former Metro workers are going to prison for stealing more than $500,000 in coins and petty cash from farecard machines and using much of the money to buy lottery tickets. On Friday, a federal judge in Alexandria imposed a 37-month sentence on former Metro police officer John Haile, 52, of Woodbridge, Va., and a 30-month sentence on revenue technician Horace McDade, 58, of Bowie, Md. The two were arrested in January, and pled guilty March 19 to theft concerning programs receiving federal funds and conspiring to commit money laundering."

$500,000--That's a lot of lottery tickets!


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