Monday, July 22, 2013

Police kill 7 year old girl in military assault on private dwelling

Whatever happened to the U.S. Constitution? Does anyone even care anymore in America?--

Detroit police officer on trial in death of girl, 7, during raid; reality TV crew was at scene - The Washington Post: "But some critics of the police department’s tactics believe it was used in the fatal raid simply to satisfy a crew from “The First 48,” a show that focuses on the crucial early stages of homicide investigations. Weekley’s trial could reveal how the TV crew’s presence influenced decisions that May 2010 night. “This was essentially a military assault on a private dwelling,” said Ron Scott, spokesman for a watchdog group, Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality. “I think the administration of the police department wanted to show Detroit was tough on crime and show something exciting for television. “Police work is not television, and television work is not police work,” he said. “The two combined to make it a horrific night.”" 

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